Our guarantees
Technology & Electronic Equipment
General Terms & Conditions
All purchasers of electronic equipment from 3Rs acknowledge and agree that:
It is the purchaser's responsibility to properly back up all personal data and other information stored or accessed by equipment purchased through 3Rs. Ruth's Reusable Resources is not responsible for loss of data or information of any kind or for any reason.
The equipment will be recycled or disposed of at the end of its useful life in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Fully charged batteries are not guaranteed to hold a charge for longer than 60 minutes. It is the purchaser's responsibility to make sure the battery is working within 7 days of purchase.
Guarantees for Damaged or Defective Equipment
7 Day Money Back Guarantee
Every attempt is made by 3Rs to ensure that all computer equipment is in good working condition prior to sale. 3Rs must be notified within 7 days of receipt if purchased equipment is found to be unsatisfactory by the buyer. The equipment may be exchanged for the same or similar item of equal value or the purchaser will be given a full refund of the purchase price.
Please note: We receive many items that are one of a kind. 3Rs cannot offer a comparable replacement for one of a kind items found to be defective or otherwise unsatisfactory. In such cases 3Rs will refund the full purchase price if 3Rs is notified of any problems within 7 days of receipt by the purchaser.
30 Day Exchange or Replacement Guarantee
If purchased equipment fails or is found to be defective, 3Rs must be notified within 30 days of receipt by the purchaser. If it is determined that the equipment cannot be repaired, it will be replaced without cost. If a replacement is unavailable, comparable equipment will be offered for replacement.
For purposes of the Guarantees set forth above, malfunction caused by an Operating System (Windows 10, Apple iOS, Google Flex for Chromebooks, etc.) does not constitute failure of the equipment, regardless of whether the Operating System was installed by our Computer Re-Life Program. Problems arising out of installed Operating Systems will be addressed on an individual, case by case basis.
Please Note: These guarantees do not apply if it is determined that the equipment has been mistreated by the user.
For questions, concerns or to report problems with purchased equipment, please send an email to: technology@ruths.org.
90 Day Exchange or Replacement Guarantee for Bulk Purchases
Schools and non-profits that purchase ten (10) or more of the same item* will have 90 days to assess the equipment for damage or defects. If it is determined that any damaged or defective equipment cannot be repaired, it will be replaced without cost. If a replacement is unavailable, comparable equipment will be offered for replacement.
*Items must all be the same brand and model number.
**If equipment fails to work, is not repairable and has not been mistreated by the user, it will be replaced without cost. This guarantee does not include the loss of data, diminished battery life, viruses, or failure of the Operating System.
6 month Replacement Guarantee for certain models of laptops and other equipment
We have some models of laptops in large quantities which allows us to offer a 6 month replacement guarantee.
If purchased equipment fails or is found to be defective, 3Rs must be notified within 180 days of receipt by the purchaser. If it is determined that the equipment cannot be repaired, it will be replaced without cost. This guarantee is for items purchased in quantities of 5 or less and while supplies last.
Our 6 month guarantee includes the following items
Lenovo Yoga 11e (Chrome OS) Lenovo Yoga N23 Chromebook HP Probook 4440
Lenovo Yoga 11e (Windows OS) Dell Desktop CPUs 19"-21" LCD displays (misc manufacturer)