LCD Projectors

  Available to individual teachers,  schools and not for profit organizations

All projectors on this page have been tested using a VGA cord and found to be in working  order.  Remotes are not  included unless noted.  Lamp hours stated are from menu of each projector

Projector bulbs are not guaranteed for more than 10 days from purchase

Please note we will only hold individual items for pick up, at the center,  for 7 days unless payment is sent ahead of time .

Short Throw Projectors 


$25.00 each

$100.00 for 6

Epson Powerlink 585W Short Throw Projectors

These projectors are in excellent working condition.  Lamp and filter hours will vary.  Brackets and remotes NOT INCLUDED.

Qty available: 40

Info and description at:

NEC- VT470

Desktop size LCD Projector

Connects to Mac Books via  VGA dongle

Lamp life is 75% or better

Excellent Shape includes all cords

Qty available: 10+

Price: $10 each all 6 for $50.00

Info and description at:

Other NEC projectors available:  

VT 700

VT 695

VT 580

NP 410

NP 300

$10.00 each

Projector lamps

Sony Projector Lamp LMP-P260

Lamp specs similar :

Used in Sony projectors VPL-PX35 and VPL-PX40

Price: $10

Qty Available: 7

Sanyo Projector Lamps:

 Lamp specs similar to: sanyo-projector-lamp

POA-LMP121          Price: $5.00        Qty available: 4

POA-LMP103         Price: $5.00         Qty available: 5

 POA-LMP35           Price: $5.00         Qty available: 4

New or Used lamps for 

Smartboard Projectors

11 -U60 and  Uni35

These were donated as new  and/or used with life left in them. 

Price: $10 for all 11

Please note we will only hold individual items for pick up, at the center,  for 7 days unless payment is sent ahead of time .